Fallout new vegas dust mods
Fallout new vegas dust mods

fallout new vegas dust mods

This is done for you if you use a mod manager. The stutter remover is a PLUGIN so it must be placed in the correct folder which is Fallout New Vegas\Data\nvse\plugins. This plugin gets rid of all that stutter and comes with its own INI file that you can tweak to your liking.

fallout new vegas dust mods

Vanilla Fallout New Vegas has really bad stutter that is really noticable when jumping and side stepping. New vegas stutter remover is a plugin for New Vegas Script Extender that fixes the games stutter. Prevents the Old World Blues trait Skilled from being taken, then removed to leave a permanent +5 to all skills. Ensures the Brotherhood of Steel Explosive Collar won't detonate after its removed from your neck Stops various NPCs and creatures who begin the game dead from miraculously resurrecting 3 days later Ultrajet addiction can now be cured by doctors Alters Fixer so that it cures addiction temporarily as it says, not permanently Fixes Boone's head tracking and stops him from holstering his weapon every 5 seconds in combat Corrects the female mesh for the Pimp-Boy 3 Billion so that it's not held at an angle Fixes the Dead Money perk In Shining Armor so that it actually does something Here is a list of just some of the fixes from the nexus page. There is no restored uncut content or balance tweaks. This is STRICTLY a compilation of patches. This is a unofficial patch which is a giant compilation of patches and bug fixes for Fallout New Vegas and it's dlc's.

Fallout new vegas dust mods